Mobile Search

Mobile Search

Have you Noticed , mobile devices are creating a momentous shift in our daily lives. Even the Google, released a new statement concluding over 50% of searches are now coming from mobile devices. While this does not distinguish between mobile search apps or a mobile search site from a web browser, it does prove that most searches are happening on the mobile and less from desktops.

For emerging brands looking to climb there website screen size as per divice. People want answers as fast as possible and attention spans are getting smaller and smaller. if your website or mobile app is Low pageranking that mean more scrolling which could hurt traffic if people are not willing to find your listing through out the pages. This also means Adwords can be an effective option now that they get primary positions in the linear hierarchy of the screen but its paid one.

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Google take care algorithms because of mobile search as well. If your website isn’t readily designed or responsive for mobile, this results in a slash in page rankings. also there are changes Bounce rates can raise if your page takes too long to load on a mobile device which will also effect your brands and business. The trend predicts mobile searching will only continue to take over the desktop market. Brands and Business have to learn to think for the small screen first before scaling up to larger devices.

Technology pushes the world to move ahead, think and act as per demand of time, and function faster while increasing efficiency. Understanding the behavioral patterns of users can make mobile searching an easier vertical to manage for your business strategies.

We believe in helping brands maximize their visibility across all digital platforms. It is clear that mobile search is the future of search engines and we to prepair for that.DEOS will assist brands in this exciting transition. Here are a few important points we introduce to clients when they are looking to improve mobile search rankings

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